Author......Ikaros Kappler Date............2015-11-17 Version................1.0
Javascript Minimizer Bash Script
Why this?
In the recent time it came to me to write tons of Javascript code. I
still love this language which started as a simple helper language for
web programmers to check their forms during runtime (somewhen in the
Goood programmers organize their code into different files.
The advantage: you always know where to find your class/function/object.
The disadvantage: loading times for the website increase.
In my lastest website project I ended up with nearly 70 javascript
files. The transmission overhead for each file and the latency was
immense, particulary when trying to use a dynamic Javascript loader such
as Require.js.
My solution: a bash script that joins all Javascript files together
into one large Javascript file … and finally compresses them! ^_^
The script consists of two files: the bash script itself (
and a text file (filelist.txt) containing all javascript files that
shall be included.
The text file looks like this (comments start with ';')
[download here]
still love this language which started as a simple helper language for
web programmers to check their forms during runtime (somewhen in the
Goood programmers organize their code into different files.
The advantage: you always know where to find your class/function/object.
The disadvantage: loading times for the website increase.
In my lastest website project I ended up with nearly 70 javascript
files. The transmission overhead for each file and the latency was
immense, particulary when trying to use a dynamic Javascript loader such
as Require.js.
My solution: a bash script that joins all Javascript files together
into one large Javascript file … and finally compresses them! ^_^
The script consists of two files: the bash script itself (
and a text file (filelist.txt) containing all javascript files that
shall be included.
The text file looks like this (comments start with ';')
[download here]
; [0;35mThis file contains all scripts that are required for the app to run.[0m ; [0;35mPlease note that the order of the file names specifies the dependencies![0m ; [0;35m[0m ; [0;35mGenerated on Sat Aug 22 11:47:03 CEST 2015[0m main.js config.js lib/core.js lib/EventHandler.js
This will create two files:
To install the yui-compressor:
- An umcompressed file called compiled.js.
- A compressed file called compiled.min.js. Please note that
the yui-compressor must be installed for this!
To install the yui-compressor:
$> apt-get install yui-compressor
And here's the script
Use and enjoy my code and do good things. Peace to the world.#!/bin/bash # # This script 'compiles' the javascript files and packs them into one single file. # # # Version >= 1.0.1 requires yui-compressor to be installed. # Install with # apt-get install yui-compressor # # # @author Ikaros Kappler # @date 2015-05-27 # @modified 2015-07-08 # @version 1.0.1 _RED='\033[0;31m' _GREEN='\033[0;32m' _PURPLE='\033[0;35m' _NC='\033[0m' echo -e "${_PURPLE}This is the compiler script that packs the javascript source files into one package.${_NC}" if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then echo -e "[${_RED}Error${_NC}] Please pass: <filelist_file> <output_file>"; echo -e " To generate a new filelist file, type mkfilelist > filelist.txt"; echo -e " Example: ${_GREEN} filelist.txt compiled.js${_NC}" echo -e " " exit 1; fi filelist=$1; # "files.txt"; outfile=$2; # "compiled.js"; files=(); delimpos=`expr index "$outfile" .` # echo "delimpos="$delimpos outfile_name=`echo "$outfile" | cut -d'.' -f1` outfile_extension=`echo "$outfile" | cut -d'.' -f2` # File has extension? if [ $delimpos == 0 ]; then outfile_extension="" fi # echo "outfile_name=$outfile_name" # echo "outfile_extension=$outfile_extension" line_no=1 while read line do # Trim line: var="${line#"${line%%[![:space:]]*}"}" # remove leading whitespace characters var="${line%"${line##*[![:space:]]}"}" # remove trailing whitespace characters # Check if line is not empty if [ ! -z "$line" -a "$line"!=" " ]; then # Check if line is no comment (beginning with ';') if [[ ${line:0:1} != ';' ]]; then # Check if file exists if [ ! -f "$line" ]; then echo "Error: file $line not found." exit 1 elif [[ "$line" =~ ' ' ]]; then # Check if line contains whitespace files+=("\"$line\"") else files+=($line); fi fi fi line_no=`expr $line_no + 1`; done < $filelist #tmp="$(echo ${files[*]})"; cmd="cat $(echo ${files[*]})"; echo "Executing: $cmd" result=$($cmd) ec="$?" if [ "$ec" -ne "0" ]; then echo -e "[${_RED}Error${_NC}] Failed. Exit code $ec" exit 1 else echo "Printing output to file ... "; # To preserve newlines the var must be quoted. echo "$result" > $outfile # echo -e "$result" # outfile_minimized="$outfile_name.min.$outfile_extension" echo "Printing minimized file to $outfile_minimized ..." result=$(yui-compressor "$outfile" -o "$outfile_minimized") ec="$?" if [ "$ec" -ne "0" ]; then echo -e "[${_RED}Error${_NC}] Failed. Exit code $ec" exit 1 else echo -e "${_GREEN}Done.${_NC}" fi fi
Note: The syntax highlighting was made with