Source: Line.js

 * @classdesc A line consists of two vertices a and b.<br>
 * <br>
 * This is some refactored code from my 'Morley Triangle' test<br>
 * @requires Vertex
 * @author   Ikaros Kappler
 * @date     2016-03-12
 * @modified 2018-12-05 Refactored the code from the morley-triangle script.
 * @modified 2019-03-20 Added JSDoc tags.
 * @version  2.0.1
 * @file Line
 * @public

(function(_context) {

     * Creates an instance of Line.
     * @constructor
     * @name Line
     * @param {Vertex} a The line's first point.
     * @param {Vertex} b The line's second point.
    var Line = function( a, b ) {
	this.a = a;
	this.b = b;

     * @member {Vertex} 
     * @memberof Line
     * @instance
    Line.prototype.a = null;

     * @member {Vertex} 
     * @memberof Line
     * @instance
    Line.prototype.b = null;

     * Get the length of this line.
     * @method length
     * @instance
     * @memberof Line
    Line.prototype.length = function() {
	return Math.sqrt( Math.pow(this.b.x-this.a.x,2) + Math.pow(this.b.y-this.a.y,2) );

     * Substract the given vertex from this line's end points.
     * @method sub
     * @param {Vertex} amount The amount (x,y) to substract.
     * @return {Line} this
     * @instance
     * @memberof Line
    Line.prototype.sub = function( amount ) {
	//return new Line( this.a.sub(point), this.b.sub(point) );
	return this;

     * Normalize this line (set to length 1).
     * @method normalize
     * @return {Line} this
     * @instance
     * @memberof Line
    Line.prototype.normalize = function() {
	this.b.set( this.a.x + (this.b.x-this.a.x)/this.length(),
		    this.a.y + (this.b.y-this.a.y)/this.length() );
	return this;

     * Scale this line by the given factor.
     * @method scale
     * @param {number} factor The factor for scaling (1.0 means no scale).
     * @return {Line} this
     * @instance
     * @memberof Line
    Line.prototype.scale = function( factor ) {
	this.b.set( this.a.x + (this.b.x-this.a.x)*factor,
		    this.a.y + (this.b.y-this.a.y)*factor );
	return this;

     * Get the angle between this and the passed line (in radians).
     * @method angle
     * @param {Line} line The line to calculate the angle to.
     * @return {number} this
     * @instance
     * @memberof Line
    Line.prototype.angle = function( line ) {	
	// Compute the angle from x axis and the return the difference :)
	var v0 = this.b.clone().sub( this.a );
	var v1 = line.b.clone().sub( line.a );
	// Thank you, Javascript, for this second atan function. No additional math is needed here!
	// The result might be negative, but isn't it usually nicer to determine angles in positive values only?
	return Math.atan2( v1.x, v1.y ) - Math.atan2( v0.x, v0.y );

     * Get line point at position t in [0 ... 1]:<br>
     * <pre>[P(0)]=[A]--------------------[P(t)]------[B]=[P(1)]</pre><br>
     * <br>
     * The counterpart of this function is Line.getClosestT(Vertex).
     * @method vertAt
     * @param {number} t The position scalar.
     * @return {Vertex} The vertex a position t. 
     * @instance
     * @memberof Line
    Line.prototype.vertAt = function( t ) {
	return new Vertex( this.a.x + (this.b.x-this.a.x)*t,
			  this.a.y + (this.b.y-this.a.y)*t );

     * Get the intersection if this line and the specified line.
     * @method intersection
     * @param {Line} line The second line.
     * @return {Vertex} The intersection (may lie outside the end-points).
     * @instance
     * @memberof Line
    Line.prototype.intersection = function( line ) {
	var denominator = ((line.b.y - line.a.y) * (this.b.x - this.a.x)) - ((line.b.x - line.a.x) * (this.b.y - this.a.y));
	if( denominator == 0 ) 
	    return null;
	var a = this.a.y - line.a.y; 
	var b = this.a.x - line.a.x; 
	var numerator1 = ((line.b.x - line.a.x) * a) - ((line.b.y - line.a.y) * b);
	var numerator2 = ((this.b.x - this.a.x) * a) - ((this.b.y - this.a.y) * b);
	a = numerator1 / denominator; // NaN if parallel lines
	b = numerator2 / denominator;
	// if we cast these lines infinitely in both directions, they intersect here:
	return new Point( this.a.x + (a * (this.b.x - this.a.x)),
			  this.a.y + (a * (this.b.y - this.a.y)) );

     * Get the closest position T from this line to the specified point.
     * The counterpart for this function is Line.vertAt(Number).
     * @method getClosestT
     * @param {Vertex} p The point (vertex) to measre the distance to.
     * @return {number} The line position t of minimal distance to p.
     * @instance
     * @memberof Line
    Line.prototype.getClosestT = function( p ) {
	var l2 = Line.util.dist2(this.a, this.b);
	if( l2 === 0 ) return 0; 
	var t = ((p.x - this.a.x) * (this.b.x - this.a.x) + (p.y - this.a.y) * (this.b.y - this.a.y)) / l2;
	// Wrap to [0,1]?
	// t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t));
	return t;

     * The the minimal distance between this line and the specified point.
     * @method pointDistance
     * @param {Vertex} p The point (vertex) to measre the distance to.
     * @return {number} The absolute minimal distance.
     * @instance
     * @memberof Line
    Line.prototype.pointDistance = function( p ) {
	// Taken From:

	function dist2(v, w) {
	    return (v.x - w.x)*(v.x - w.x) + (v.y - w.y)*(v.y - w.y);

	// p - point
	// v - start point of segment
	// w - end point of segment
	function distToSegmentSquared (p, v, w) {
	    //var l2 = dist2(v, w);
	    //if( l2 === 0 ) return dist2(p, v);
	    //var t = ((p[0] - v[0]) * (w[0] - v[0]) + (p[1] - v[1]) * (w[1] - v[1])) / l2;
	    //t = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, t));
	    return dist2(p, this.vertAt(this.getClosestLineT(p))); // dist2(p, [ v[0] + t * (w[0] - v[0]), v[1] + t * (w[1] - v[1]) ]);

	// p - point
	// v - start point of segment
	// w - end point of segment
	//function distToSegment (p, v, w) {
	//    return Math.sqrt(distToSegmentSquared(p, v, w));

	return Math.sqrt( distToSegmentSquared(p, this.a, this.b) );


     * Create an SVG representation of this line.
     * @method toSVGString
     * @param {options} p - A set of options, like the 'classname' to use 
     *                      for the line object.
     * @return {string} The SVG string representing this line.
     * @instance
     * @memberof Line
    Line.prototype.toSVGString = function( options ) {
	options = options || {};
	var buffer = [];
	buffer.push( '<line' );
	if( options.className )
	    buffer.push( ' class="' + options.className + '"' );
	buffer.push( ' x1="' + this.a.x + '"' );
	buffer.push( ' y1="' + this.a.y + '"' );
	buffer.push( ' x2="' + this.b.x + '"' );
	buffer.push( ' y2="' + this.b.y + '"' );
	buffer.push( ' />' );
	return buffer.join('');

     * Create a string representation of this line.
     * @method totring
     * @return {string} The string representing this line.
     * @instance
     * @memberof Line
    this.toString = function() {
	return "{ a : " + this.a.toString() + ", b : " + this.b.toString() + " }";

     * @private
    Line.util = {
	dist2 : function(v, w) {
	    return (v.x - w.x)*(v.x - w.x) + (v.y - w.y)*(v.y - w.y);

    _context.Line = Line;

})(window ? window : module.export);