--- layout: docs date: Mon Apr 29 2019 00:50:46 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) footertext: Documentation generated by JSDoc 3.5.5 on Mon Apr 29 2019 00:50:46 GMT+0200 (Central European Summer Time) ---

Source: Vector.js

 * @classdesc A vector (Vertex,Vertex) is a line with a visible direction.<br>
 *            <br>
 *            Vectors are drawn with an arrow at their end point.<br>
 *            <b>The Vector class extends the Line class.</b>
 * @requires Vertex, Line
 * @author   Ikaros Kappler
 * @date     2019-01-30
 * @modified 2019-02-23 Added the toSVGString function, overriding Line.toSVGString.
 * @modified 2019-03-20 Added JSDoc tags.
 * @version  1.0.2
 * @file Vector
 * @public

(function(_context) {
    'use strict';
     * The constructor.
     * @constructor
     * @name Vector
     * @extends Line
     * @param {Vertex} vertA - The start vertex of the vector.
     * @param {Vertex} vertB - The end vertex of the vector.
    var Vector = function( vertA, vertB ) {

     * Create an SVG representation of this line.
     * @method toSVGString
     * @override
     * @param {object=} options - A set of options, like 'className'.
     * @return {string} The SVG string representation.
     * @instance
     * @memberof Vector
    Vector.prototype.toSVGString = function( options ) {
	options = options || {};
	var buffer = [];
	var vertices = PlotBoilerplate.utils.buildArrowHead( this.a, this.b, 8, 1.0, 1.0 );
	buffer.push( '<g' );
	if( options.className )
	    buffer.push( ' class="' + options.className + '"' );
	buffer.push( '>' );
	buffer.push( '   <line' );
	buffer.push( ' x1="' + this.a.x + '"' );
	buffer.push( ' y1="' + this.a.y + '"' );
	buffer.push( ' x2="' + vertices[0].x + '"' );
	buffer.push( ' y2="' + vertices[0].y + '"' );
	buffer.push( ' />' );
	// Add arrow head
	buffer.push( '   <polygon points="' );
	for( var i = 0; i < vertices.length; i++ ) {
	    if( i > 0 )
		buffer.push( ' ' );
	    buffer.push( '' + vertices[i].x + ',' + vertices[i].y );
	buffer.push( '"/>' );
	buffer.push( '</g>' );
	return buffer.join('');
    _context.Vector = Vector;
})(window ? window : module.export);